Name | Affiliation | Country |
Thomas Adams | American Coal Ash Association | USA |
James Baciak | University of Florida | USA |
Ryan Betz | Argos USA | USA |
Andrew Boyd | McGill University | Canada |
Boyd Clark | CTL Group | USA |
Mike Collins | Lehigh Cement Company | USA |
Peter Collins | Pennsylvania State University | USA |
Cesar Constantino | Separation Technologies | USA |
David C. Darwin | Oldcastle/Sakrete of North America | USA |
Dale DeFord | Florida DOT | USA |
Ivan Diaz | Boral Resources | USA |
Tim Dolen | Dolen and Associates | USA |
Thano Drimalas | University of Texas - Austin | USA |
Chris Ferraro | University of Florida | USA |
Kevin Folliard | University of Texas - Austin | USA |
Christophe Guynn | Roman Cement | USA |
John Guynn | Roman Cement | USA |
Will Hansen | University of Michigan | USA |
Jason Ideker | Oregon State University | USA |
Luna Lu | Purdue University | USA |
Edgar Martinez | Argos | USA |
Ben McAdams | Roman Cement | USA |
Bob Neal | Lehigh Cement | USA |
Jan Olek | Purdue University | USA |
Aleksandra Radlinska | Pennsylvania State University | USA |
Ken Rear | Consultant | USA |
Kyle Riding | University of Florida | USA |
April Snyder | RJ Lee Group | USA |
Konstantin Sobolev | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | USA |
Dave Suchorski | Ash Grove Cement | USA |
Brent Tanner | Roman Cement | USA |
Paul Tennis | Portland Cement Association | USA |
Mike Thomas | University of New Brunswick | Canada |
Caitlin Tibbetts | Army Corps of Engineers | USA |
Danica Turk | Retired | USA |
Megan Voss | University of Florida | USA |
Stephen Wilcox | Argos USA | USA |
Stephanie Wood | Army Corps of Engineers | USA |