Over the years, we have compiled a great deal of research related to the long-term behavior of concrete and have made great strides in developing models that can predict such behavior decades or even centuries into the future. At the same time, our industry is facing growing pressure to become more ‘sustainable’ and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Are we at the point where these goals are achievable? How can this work be incorporated into the standard operation of the construction industry?

The aim of Anna Maria Workshop XIX will be to examine these questions and more. We are therefore inviting presentations dealing with (but not necessarily limited to) the following topic areas:

The purpose of the Anna Maria Workshop series is to bring together people from the different sectors involved (engineers, educators, researchers, specifiers, material producers) to discuss important technical issues. The primary goal is to provide input on future directions in both research and practice.

Anna Maria Workshop XII Organizing Committee:

Andrew J. Boyd - McGill University, Chair
Christopher Ferraro - University of Florida
Sidney Mindess - University of British Columbia
Jan Olek - Purdue University
Ken Rear - KBR Inc.